Tagged with 'lifestyle'
2020: An Energy Year in Review
- February 08, 2021
- 6 minutes
- finance, inspiration, lifestyle, personal
Now that I've had a chance to really look at the data from our 2020 electric use, in a modified format from what I've written about before, I thought I'd wrap up with an overview of our overall electric use during a most unusual year.
Read MoreArmchair Pair Programming
- December 07, 2020
- 2 minutes
- inspiration, lifestyle, personal
This past Friday, somewhat out of the blue, I was pinged by a friend about helping him work through implementing what I'd done to date with Certbot...with the additional twist of his own unique configuration challenges.
Read MoreThat's a [House] Wrap!

As I'd eluded in a post earlier this summer, we had some major home projects completed this year. As of the end of October, 2020, they're all functionally complete. We only await the delivery and installation of a few missing pieces of window jamb extensions and casing, and a "rainy day" for the contractor to spend a couple quick hours installing.
Read MoreA Good, Long Conversation
Throughout the pandemic I've tried to keep in contact with friends via different mechanisms. One of those venues is Slack, where one friend and I have gotten into this "habit" of sorts where we do some sort of video call (Slack, Zoom, etc.) that ends up lasting several hours. These come up every six weeks or so (in addition to more regular banter via Slack); not often enough to be burdensome, but often enough to be meaningful. Pre-pandemic, we had formed a similar pattern of meetups (though often only on an annual or semi-annual basis) in person as our paths crossed.
Read MoreAll Sealed Up!

It's been a wild couple of weeks since I last posted anything here. I'd exhausted most of pre-written content and with a bunch of these improvement and scope creep projects on the horizon it was not feasible to get more material churned out in the short term, so a break it was!
Read MoreImprovement Project Scope Creep
As I've written about before, there have been plenty of random projects to work on during the pandemic and additional time spent around home. Due to a pretty significant hailstorm last summer, we're going to be replacing every roof on the property and also re-siding the house.
That's not where the scope creep comes into play.
Read MorePollinators on the Prairie

One of the things I've always enjoyed about our little home on the prairie is the fact we've always a selection of various critters or insects beneficial to the larger environment. Part of this is bolstered by the fact we live across the road from several hundred acres of waterfowl production area owned and managed by the US Fish and Wildlife service. This area isn't native prairie, but it is largely undisturbed relatively native plant species beneficial for the habitat of waterfowl and all other manner of critter.
Read MoreInteresting Pandemic Electric Usage Pattern

- June 15, 2020
- 3 minutes
- finance, inspiration, lifestyle, personal
This is a relatively short post, but as I entered our May electric usage into my tracking spreadsheet (see the Energy Use Analysis post from a while back), I noticed something peculiar about this last few months since the pandemic really hit (and we started staying at home all the time).
Read MorePandemic Projects Aplenty

It is no surprise to me that retail outlets catering to home improvement projects have been doing well during the pandemic and various iterations of stay-at-home orders. The sudden 'found' time of folks who might normally spend time on other endeavors is suddenly focused into projects around the house. To some degree this is the same here...
Read MoreWith Summertime Comes Summer...Projects

This was going to be a real post, with some real substance (or at least something).
But then it happened:
Yard Work and Summer Projects
We had a reasonably nice weekend to do some outdoor work. While it's never complete, and always seems to be some sort of re-envisioning, the need to get some stuff done around the house has consumed my time these past few days.
It'll all be good, though. It's often cathartic in its own way, and the beer tastes ever so slightly better afterward (or in between, depending on the activities).
Read MoreRunning On Empty

I have known this for many years, but I reaffirmed my assessment this past week.
I am a creative. I seriously enjoy making things.
Read MoreWhat's In Your Lunch Bag?

- April 22, 2019
- 5 minutes
- personal, lifestyle, inspiration
Many of those I work and associate closely with know that I'm pretty often a routine machine. I'll be writing more about the various things I've turned into simple routines, automatic processes, and so forth.
Read MoreThoughts? I've had [more than] a few

I survived!
Yup, three (very different) presentations in as many months. All a resounding success!
But I'm tired. Really tired. And as I'd noted some time ago, the struggles and projects live on. The list is marginally smaller now vs. then, but there's still a good mix of all sorts of random bits. At least it's a variety!
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